Saturday, April 19, 2008

Food for Prolove

Food to Eat to have a long and Lasting Love...

Almonds: A symbol of love and fertility, this nut is full of protein and vitamins to boost energy.

Avocados: Full of vitamins, its creamy sensual texture is more than a popular dip. Pureed, it makes an excellent massage cream.

Bananas: All the aphrodisiac qualities are reportedly in the skin. To get the most from your bananas, find a recipe that uses a lot of bananas.

Chocolate: Creamy, sweet and containing phenylethylamine, this chemical occurs naturally in the brain and is supposed to make us feel emotionally aroused.

Garlic and Onions: Caution: Both parties must partake in order for it to be appreciated. Despite the pungent odor, these two are supposed to be good for your love life.

Ginger: This delicious root's invigorating aroma has been a favorite ingredient in Eastern cultures for centuries.

Nuts: These meaty nuggets contain manganese, which is reportedly a stimulant.

Olives: The ancient Greeks considered them a symbol of fertility and purity.

Oysters: One of the sexiest aphrodisiacs. Perhaps the zinc is what does it. Perhaps it's its rawness.

Shrimps: Like oysters, these fellow sea creatures are high in zinc, good for male fertility.

Strawberries: Sensuous to the sight, smell and taste, it's luscious dipped in melted chocolate or dropped in champagne.

Tomatoes: What more can we say, it's red and juicy. The French call it 'la pomme d'amour,' which translates to the apple of love.

Vanilla: Just the sweetness of its aroma and taste makes this an irresistible spice.

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