Saturday, June 7, 2008

Missing my Family

Missing my family alot, that's what I feel today, chatting with them everyday is not enough. Totally different when your with them, holding and hearing the laughs. I've been far away from them for almost three years now. Im really wishing that I can go visit them soon with my family. I miss all the food and beaches, I remember almost everyday we went to the beach coz its near in our house, we used to make kinilaw, sugba isda,saging na hilaw with ginamos,Oh my God! And I miss all my relatives especially all the kids that I used to buy gifts all the time. I miss thier laughs and hugs.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Best Blogger Award

I got this award from Kiscy. Thank you so much for passing this award. I really hope that I am deserving to this award.

Social Blogger

As I was reading blogs I got interested of what kind of blogger I am. So I tried and this is the result.

You Are a Social Blogger!

Your blog is more of a semi-private affair for your friends.

It's how you keep in touch... sharing stories, jokes, and pics.